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Database Query

Which tables can I choose?

You can select one of the four statistic classes:

The incidence is the number of newly diagnosed cases in a specific population during a specific time period.

The mortality is the number of deaths in a specific population during a specific time period.

In cancer statistics, it is common to report a limited-duration prevalence. This indicates the number of persons alive on a certain date who had been newly diagnosed with cancer within a specified previous period of time.

The survival rate describes the proportion of people with a certain cancer who are alive at the end of a given time interval after diagnosis.

Clear selections


Please select the diagnoses for your query. The search box might help you. Then select parameters like age group, sex or years.


To compare data for several diagnoses, please select "diagnosis" as a variable in either rows or columns. Without using it as a variable data will be summed up.


To compare data for both sexes, please select both and drag the box labelled "sex" as a variable in either rows or columns. Alternatively, to display data for only men or women, select just one sex. If you select both without using it as a variable, data will be summed up.


To compare data from several years, please drag the box labelled "year" as a variable in either rows or columns. Alternatively, to display data from one year only, select just that year.

Age group

To compare data for several age groups, please drag the box labelled "age group" as a variable in either rows or columns. If you select several age groups without using it as a variable, data will be summed up. Alternatively, to display data from one age group only, select just that age group.

Variables in rows and columns

Design your own table by dragging & dropping the boxes into rowsbtn_downand columns.btn_right

Merkmal Row Position in row Column Position in column
Age group

Note: The results can be displayed graphically as a chart on the next page by selecting one variable for the rows and one variable for the columns. Tables can be produced with one or more variables for rows and/or columns.